Monday, November 19, 2012

Effect of United States Presidential Election on Europe

Because of the economic decline of the United States and the budget deficit, federal spending will have to be reduced. How it is reduced depends on who is in power. Had Mitt Romney and the Republicans won the election, spending reductions would have been primarily in the domestic sphere. But with President Obama and the Democrats in power, spending cuts will be more severe for the military.

American military power is being reduced and will be reduced more, and this may be a long-term trend. And that prospect can put fear into the hearts of European leaders who understand the world and its dangers.

Thus, the leaders of Germany and the leaders of Europe will have a greater sense of urgency to build strong European unity and a strong European military.

This world is a dangerous place, and it will continue to be so. The earth's population grows faster than resources, and nations will compete for limited food resources and energy resources. Europe must import food and fossil fuels to survive, and they must have the protection of a strong military to keep access to those resources secure. If the United States cannot provide that military power, the Europeans have to develop it themselves.

Not only does the re-election of President Obama keep a president in power who is more willing than the Republicans to reduce our military, but it shows where the American people stand. If Americans are willing to elect a president who is willing to weaken the military, then Americans seem likely to do the same in future elections. This may spell the beginning of the end of the United States as a superpower.

In the past, European leaders may have been trying to build a "United States of Europe" from a motive of ambition. Now fear can be a motive, fear of losing the effective protection of the United States while not being strong enough to protect themselves.

So they are likely to push with a greater sense of urgency for European unity and a strong, united European military force.

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