We do not know when Christ will return (Matthew 24:36, Acts 1:6-8). And while we know that the tribulation will begin about three and a half years before the return of Christ, we do not know when the great tribulation will begin.
Is it wrong to estimate? Is it wrong to have an opinion, even to share our opinions with others in a spirit of friendly fellowship and "iron sharpens iron"? I don't think so, provided we don't take our opinions too seriously. Christ did not rebuke his disciples for asking the question. And we are admonished to watch and be aware.
But be careful how you estimate, because it can affect your attitude towards doing God's work of preaching the gospel and the Ezekiel warning to Israel as a witness before the great tribulation begins, while Israel has time to repent and escape.
No one needs to estimate how much time we have left, but if you do, try to base your estimate, firstly on God's word, but also on common sense and the current situation both in the Church of God and the world. Base your estimate on sound, logical thinking, not on emotion or wishful thinking.
The shortness of the time left is not measured by the level of our disgust, repulsion, or fear concerning world conditions.
We can all say that the time is short. Compared with 6,000 years almost up, even twenty years is "short".
But there is short and there is short. I think the time is short, maybe ten or fifteen years to the tribulation. That is short. But others may seem to think we only have about one, or two, or three years left. That is a different kind of "short".
Some may say that the tribulation leading to the return of Christ is "at the door", using Bible language. There is a time when Christ says we should be aware that His return is "at the door" (Matthew 24:33, Mark 13:29).
But if you read what precedes that, you see that a lot has to happen that has not happened yet.
Some may say, things can happen quickly in today's world. But how much can happen and how quickly?
There are natural events and there are supernatural events. And there is the combination of those two.
There are different kinds of miracles and supernatural action. There are quiet miracles and there are unusual, spectacular miracles.
God can perform tremendous, unusual, spectacular miracles to speed things up, or allow Satan to speed things up through tremendous supernatural action.
But so far, that has not happened, not in Mr. Armstrong's work of preaching the gospel, not in the events of World War II, not since the death of Mr. Armstrong even to today.
Miracles do occur of course. By miracle I mean God's supernatural intervention and action. But those are quiet miracles mixed with natural processes. Each of us, if converted, is converted as a result of miracles from God, both to call us and to convert us with His Holy Spirit. Our conversion is the result of God's miraculous action. So is our protection from Satan.
God performed miracles to open Mr. Armstrong's mind to truth in the Bible. God performed miracles to help the work grow in the time of Mr. Armstrong, at about 30% a year for a time. God performed miracles, I think, in giving the English-speaking peoples the victory in World War II. God intervened to bring about the result He wanted.
But these have been quiet miracles, interspersed with natural processes and events, not unusual, flashy miracles that are obviously the result of supernatural cause and action, like fire coming down from heaven in the sight of many people, or like the parting of the Red Sea or the fall of the walls of Jericho.
I read somewhere about something Mr. Armstrong experienced in doing the work that illustrates this. I don't definitely remember the source or the details, but it was probably in his autobiography.
Mr. Armstrong saw an opportunity to add a radio station. But when he talked to them, they turned him down. Then he realized he had neglected to pray for God's help. So he prayed and went back, and this time, he was successful.
This is an example of what I mean by a quiet miracle. It was obvious that God helped move the minds of the people at the station to accept Mr. Armstrong's radio program. But there was also the natural process involved of Mr. Armstrong contacting them, making his pitch, and getting approval.
This sort of thing happens all the time when we pray for God's help and He helps us.
It is those kinds of miracles God has used to do His work in our modern time. We go through natural human processes and activities, and God helps our effort to succeed.
And because normal human activities are involved, things take time.
The work for a time grew at 30% a year. But even at that rate it took decades for the work to grow, and even after decades Mr. Armstrong never reached all of Israel.
I have, in a previous post, shared my estimate that the tribulation will not begin for about ten to fifteen years. I base that on all that has to happen: Europe must become strong, the United States must become weak, and the gospel and the Ezekiel warning have to go out to all Israel, maybe about 500 million people. God will perform miracles and take supernatural action to guide events, and He will allow Satan to move events supernaturally, but normal human processes will be involved, and this will take time. Miracles and supernatural actions will be of the quiet type I described, working with human events to move things towards their fulfillment.
At least this has been my assumption that I based my estimate on.
But it doesn't have to be that way, and I realize it. My estimate could be completely wrong. Maybe the great tribulation will come as soon as a year. I realize that.
But for that to happen would require truly tremendous supernatural intervention, something of the kind we have not seen in modern times.
Could that happen? Yes. I think it is unlikely to happen soon. I don't see any reason why it would happen in the next one to three years. Most likely, God will work out his plan the same way, with quiet miracles to guide events, that He has been working in the last one hundred or more years. For a while, anyway. When we get very close to the end, things will get more lively. The beast and false prophet will arise, signs and wonders will occur to deceive the world, the two witness will receive power to perform miracles, etc.
But we may not be near that right now.
So why do many think the time we have left is so short it is only about one to three years?
Some might say, "It is obvious. Things can't go on this way much longer".
But is that sound reasoning? Or is it based on emotion? Is this just an emotional argument, playing on the disgust and repulsion most of us feel regarding the sins of this world, but not based on Bible prophecy, not logical, not the product of a sound mind?
Is it wishful thinking?
I said before that our estimate about how much time is left should not be based on our level of disgust about conditions in the world. The truth is, things can continue as they are for a long time, even getting worse and worse, in stages, over a long period of time.
Can things get worse, much worse, than they are today?
We can still do a work through radio, TV, magazines, the Internet, and public meetings.
The United States is still one of the freest countries on earth.
We are legally free to own and read a Bible. That can change, but it hasn't happened yet. We can meet for services, in rented halls or in our homes. We can use the Internet to stream live services. We can publish websites and instructional material. Parents can home school their children.
Things can get a lot worse, and probably will, over time. Maybe in stages. We might go on like we are for a few years, then things will get worse in some way, then another few years can go by, and then things can get worse again, and so on. We are not near the bottom at all.
What is it exactly that cannot continue much longer?
The debt crisis? Is a collapse of the dollar imminent because of our debt?
The debt crisis has been getting worse for years, but it may continue to get worse without triggering a collapse of the dollar for a while. No one really knows. We see the problem, like a ticking time bomb, but the world goes on. Part of the reason is that, while the US dollar is in danger, other countries and other currencies also have debt problems. It is a worldwide problem, and the dollar is still the trading and reserve currency of choice for most of the world.
And if a collapse of the dollar is imminent, why isn't the price of gold going through the roof? It goes up, but slowly. It fluctuates around $2,700 a troy ounce right now. More than a decade ago it was around $1,200 to $1,600. That is not far from the normal rate of inflation for everything. If the world market, knowledgeable investors all over the world, thought the dollar was about to become worthless, I would expect gold to be well over $10,000 an ounce right now. It is not.
Even if the dollar collapses, life will go on. There will be adjustments. Some people will lose their life savings. Many will suffer. But some form of currency will be used as a medium of exchange to permit people to work their farms and factories, to produce goods and services.
Our guns will still work. So will our oil wells, our coal mines, our aircraft, our ships, our railroads, and our highways. Food will grow. Things will be made. People will still marry and have kids. There will still be schools and universities. The Internet will still work.
What else "can't go on like this"?
The war in the Ukraine? It will continue till they settle it. Vladimir Putin? He will continue in office until he is replaced.
Abortion? Abortion potentially can actually decrease, now that Roe vs. Wade has been overturned. But if not, then it will continue. It has continued for decades, it could continue decades longer.
Homosexuality and Lesbianism? The pressure to accept those things can continue and even get worse for a long time.
Transgenderism? Same thing. Pressures to accept it can continue a long time, then get worse, then continue a long time after that, then get worse again after that.
What can block or obstruct God's plan if it continues much longer?
Everything bad we see can continue a long time, and none of it will stop the fulfillment of end time prophetic events: the great tribulation, the Day of the Lord, and the return of Jesus Christ.
So how do we know bad things won't continue a long time?
Is it just our emotions? We don't want it to continue, so it won't? That is not the reasoning of a sound mind.
Here is my point. Don't get too attached to the idea that we only have a very short time. Yes, God can work it that way by very great miracles, but He may not, so don't assume He will.
Allow for the possibility that we may have more than a decade left. Don't rule that out because of emotion.
Why do I focus on this? We don't know, so if we don't know, why say anything? Let each be content in his own opinion, and events will show themselves.
The problem is that many ministers and speakers seem to be convinced that we only have a very few years, and they are encouraging others to think the same. They are starting to push the idea of a very short time.
What effect does that have on our thinking and behavior?
At first, it may seem good. If time is short, only a year or two, then we may all feel extra motivation to overcome sin and draw close to God. So we will all be motivated to get ourselves ready so we can go to the place of safety.
But the effect may be just the opposite. Thinking that time is very short can keep some from the place of safety.
I will explain.
I have said over and over that those who go to a place of safety will be the same ones who have an open door for the preaching of the gospel and the Ezekiel warning to Israel.
How does thinking we only have a few years affect our attitude towards the gospel? How does it affect our willingness to make the sacrifices and pay the price to obtain an open door and go through it in order to finish God's work?
What will happen regarding the work of warning the world?
Three things are possible.
One, it will not happen. We won't do it, and all the nations of Israel will go into the great tribulation without a warning. I think this is unacceptable.
Two, we will do it by our regular methods, as helped by God, as Mr. Armstrong did, with updated procedures according to changing times. But it will be human effort aided by God helping and doing quiet miracles behind the scenes as He did for Mr. Armstrong. Maybe we will start small and grow at 30% a year, or 50% a year, but it will take time - it will take many years - to reach everyone.
Or, three, if God wants to wrap things up quickly, He can perform big, outstanding miracles to speed up the work. Some minister in the Church of God may perform public miracles that grab attention, and the work can jump ahead in a big way, allowing us to reach hundreds of millions of people in a short time, maybe in a year. God's message would be on all the news.
So which?
I think we can eliminate the first possibility, at least I hope so. Shame on us if we don't do God's work, but I don't think God will allow us to fail to do it and allow Israel to be unwarned.
Both numbers two and three are possible. Number two, doing a long work, is how God has worked so far in modern times, and it is how He worked with Mr. Armstrong. It is the way that most involves the work of the Church of God.
But possibility three, while it gets the message out, least involves the work of the Church. It becomes a matter of waiting for God to take miraculous action. Until then, we sit on our hands.
Think about it. If the only way the work will get done in a short span of time is by big miracles from God, then what do we need to do in the meantime while we wait for God to do such miracles?
If we only have a year or two before the great tribulation begins, then what is the point of starting websites, publishing a magazine, going on radio or television, paying for Google pay-per-click advertising for websites, or having public lectures? If we only grow at 30% or 50% a year in a way similar to how Mr. Armstrong's work grew, what is the point if we flee to a place of safety in the next year or two?
Making the sacrifices to do a work only makes sense if we have enough years left for it to pay off. One to two years won't cut it as far as what we can do now. God can do big miracles, but if so, what do we do that is worthwhile until He does?
This is why it is dangerous for the work of God to get married to the idea that we only have one or two years, or even three, four, or five years.
Someone said, we should work as if it all depends on us, but pray as if it all depends on God. But how motivated will we be to work as if it all depends on us if we are sure in our minds we won't have the time to be effective?
That is why I think that being sure we only have a very few years left can keep us out of the place of safety. Thinking that time is short can diminish our zeal for doing our part in God's work. We will think we won't have time to do anything very effective in reaching 500 million people who need a warning, so why try. Why start what we cannot finish? Better to focus inward, try to get ourselves ready, and wait for either God to perform big miracles to get the job done in a year or two, or let the job not get done at all.
If we think that way, we are unlikely to make the sacrifices to get the job done. We will not seek a fellowship that is willing to change doctrine, learn new things from Christ and the Bible, and teach the membership to believe the Bible more than the Church, all of which are required to effectively preach the truth to the public without being hypocrites. We will not make the financial sacrifices to support the work. We will not make the sacrifices of time and effort.
As a result, we will neither be given nor go through a wide open door for finishing the work of warning Israel and the world.
And unless we repent, Christ will never give us the opportunity to go to a place of safety.
Yes, it's possible we may have only a year or two. Actually, I am not sure if it is possible because there are details of prophecy concerning events that must occur, and I am not familiar with them - they may require three or more years. But let's just say, for the sake of discussion, that it may be possible we only have a year or two.
But it is also possible we have ten or fifteen or so years left.
All I say is, don't be too sure it is only a few short years. Don't marry that idea. Don't commit to thinking that way. And don't let that idea affect your commitment to doing your part to support the work of preaching the gospel and the Ezekiel warning to all Israel and to much of the world before the great tribulation begins.
Don't rule out the possibility of doing a long work, lasting many years, with steady growth year by year, with God's help, as Mr. Armstrong did.
That work should start now.
Thursday, December 19, 2024
Estimating the Shortness of the Time
Friday, December 13, 2024
The Answer to a Riddle about Doctrine
Last post I posed the following riddle.
One person teaches something to another. I'll call them Jim and John. Jim teaches John two things, call them doctrine A and doctrine B. Both are true. John respects and trusts Jim and wants to hold fast to both doctrines. But it is impossible.
The two doctrines are compatible. They do not contradict each other. Both are true or are presumed to be true. But John cannot hold fast to both of them at the same time even if he wants to.
I describe the riddle in more detail in the last post, if you want to read it.
The answer is, doctrine A specifically forbids anyone from holding fast to doctrine B. John can agree with doctrine B because he sees in the Bible that it is true. But he cannot commit to holding fast to it in the light of new Bible research. John must keep an open mind regarding changes to doctrine B, always, in the light of new Bible research. He must always be willing to change or give up belief in doctrine B if the Bible shows him he should. Maybe he will never have to, but he must always be willing to. He cannot close his mind to change according to the Bible.
This is what doctrine A requires.
So if John commits to holding fast to doctrine A, he must keep an open mind and a willingness to change his belief in doctrine B, for this is what doctrine A requires. But if he commits to holding fast to doctrine B, then he has abandoned doctrine A. That is why he cannot hold fast to both at the same time. Doctrine A requires that he hold fast to the Bible when it comes to detailed doctrines, not doctrine B.
If doctrine B is absolutely in all points correct and true, John will never have to change anything. But John must keep an open mind if he is to hold fast to doctrine A. He must always be willing to learn new knowledge from the Bible, even if it requires changing his belief in doctrine B.
Truth doesn't change because truth is perfect. But our knowledge of truth can change because our knowledge is imperfect. "For we know in part and we prophesy in part" (1 Corinthians 13:9). As our knowledge changes and becomes more accurate, we understand the truth more perfectly.
In the Church of God and its modern history, doctrine A is Mr. Armstrong's way of life, a way of life that he practiced as a lay member of the Church before he was an apostle or even ordained as a minister. In fact, Mr. Armstrong practiced that way of life before he was baptized. Loma Armstrong also practiced that way of life even before her husband did. And thousands of radio listeners later practiced that way of life when they heard Mr. Armstrong on the radio say, don't believe me, believe God, and those radio listeners helped Mr. Armstrong build the Philadelphia era of the Church.
That way of life is the way of believing the Bible more than any man, any tradition, any church or church leader. It is the way of being willing to learn new knowledge from the Bible and to be corrected by the Bible, even when that requires changing prior beliefs that are based on church authority or tradition.
In modern circumstances, it is a way of life that says, don't believe Herbert W. Armstrong, don't believe Mystery of the Ages, believe God, believe your Bible.
Of course, most of Mr. Armstrong's teachings in Mystery of the Ages are true because he learned those truths from the Bible. One who practices the same way of life as Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong may not have to change any doctrines, or very few.
Maybe Christ wants to teach the Church of God new knowledge at this time, or maybe He does not. That is up to Him. But we must not close the door to Him. We must not lock Him out.
Christ is the Word of God in person. The Bible is the Word of God in print. The same Word. Thus said Mr. Armstrong. If you want to believe what Mr. Armstrong said, try believing that. It's true. Both Christ and the Bible are the Word of God, a perfect reflection of the Father and His thinking and His holy righteous character.
When we commit to not letting the Bible teach us anything new or correct anything Mr. Armstrong taught, we are locking Christ out. We are saying to Christ, in effect, "I don't care if You want to teach us anything new, we won't listen. Keep Your new knowledge to Yourself. We will not be corrected by You. We will stick to what Mr. Armstrong taught, right or wrong. Mr. Armstrong comes first, You come second. When it comes to doctrine, stay outside. Mr. Armstrong taught us everything we need to know".
Remember, I repeat, the Bible is the Word of God in print, Christ is the Word of God in person, the same word. When we put the Bible in second place to Mystery of the Ages or any of Mr. Armstrong's other writings or teachings, we are putting Christ in second place to Mr. Armstrong. That is idolatry.
People who do this will deny that they are making an idol out of Mr. Armstrong. But they do, whether they realize it or not.
Do you think an idol-worshiper always knows he is worshiping an idol? Not at all.
Tell a Catholic he is worshipping an idol when he bows down to an image of Christ. "Oh, no," he will say. "I don't worship the image, I am only using it to help me picture Christ when I pray. I am using it to help me worship Christ." But it is idol worship nevertheless. He is breaking both the first and second commandments. He breaks the second commandment by using an image in worship contrary to God's command. And he breaks the first commandment by putting his desire to use an image first over obeying the one true God. The image becomes more important to him than God, whether he admits it to himself or not.
Likewise, making a commitment to not change anything Mr. Armstrong taught, not having an open mind to learn new knowledge from the Word of God (Christ and the Bible) is putting doctrinal tradition ahead of God.
That is idol worship because faith is an act of worship.
If we commit ourselves to never changing what Mr. Armstrong taught, we are exercising faith in Mr. Armstrong. We are exercising faith to believe a man, even though we should know that all men are capable of sin and all men are capable of mistakes.
Does the Bible say to have faith in man?
The whole emphasis of the Bible is to trust and put our faith in God, NOT man.
In fairness, there is a scripture that says to believe God and His prophets. "Believe in the LORD your God, and you shall be established; believe His prophets, and you shall prosper" (2 Chronicles 20:20).
But I believe this refers primarily to the prophets who wrote the Bible and to the first century apostles, both of whom wrote the Bible. And God provided authenticity of the apostles' messages by public miracles, what the Bible calls the signs of an apostle (2 Corinthians 12:12).
While I think Mr. Armstrong was an apostle, he did not perform public miracles that anyone could witness and check into like the first century apostles. Why? Because today, because of the printing press, we have the Bible readily available, and because of fulfilled prophecy, we have the proof that the Bible was inspired by God and is God speaking.
So while servants of God can help us understand, as in the days of Ezra and Nehemiah (Nehemiah 8:6-8) and in the case of Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch (Acts 8:30-31), the only infallible communication from God today is through the Bible.
I asked this before, but if Christ wants to teach someone who says, I will not move on doctrine, how will He do it? That person's closed mind excludes Christ. He cannot learn what Christ has to teach him because he refuses to learn. He locks Christ out.
But to Laodicea, Christ says, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me" (Revelation 3:20).
What Is Philadelphia to Hold Fast To?
To Philadelphia, Christ says, hold fast to what you have (Revelation 3:11). What is Christ talking about? What is it that we have that He wants us to hold fast to?
One possibility was suggested by a speaker. He said that the Holy Spirit is what we are to hold fast to.
Certainly we should hold fast to the Holy Spirit and our conversion. We should not go back to the world.
But that is true for every era of the Church. I think what Christ had in mind was something particular for the Philadelphia era. What Philadelphians have is the example and teachings of Mr. Armstrong. This doesn't apply to every era.
But which teaching? The way of life Mr. Armstrong practiced and taught by his example as well as his words, or a detailed list of doctrines that he taught as a result of that way of life he and Mrs. Armstrong practiced even from before conversion?
That way of life says, learn new things and be corrected in doctrine from the Bible, and if necessary change tradition and the teachings of the Church.
So which is it? What did Christ have in mind when He said, hold fast to what you have? What does the "what you have" refer to, a way of life or a list of doctrines?
Is there a way to know?
Here is the whole message to Philadelphia. "And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write, 'These things says He who is holy, He who is true, "He who has the key of David, He who opens and no one shuts, and shuts and no one opens": "I know your works. See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it; for you have a little strength, have kept My word, and have not denied My name. Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie - indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you. Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth. Behold, I am coming quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown. He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God, and he shall go out no more. I will write on him the name of My God and the name of the city of My God, the New Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from My God. And I will write on him My new name. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches" ' " (Revelation 3:7-13).
The question is, what is the "what you have", and to answer the "what" we will first find the "who" and the "when".
Who is the message for? It is for Philadelphians, but the one person we can be sure has been a Philadelphian is Mr. Armstrong himself. It is obvious that he was the leader of the Philadelphian era because he had the open door.
Also, the messages to the seven churches are addressed to and through the leaders of those churches, called "angels" (which means messenger as I understand it): "To the angel of the church of Ephesus..." (Revelation 2:1), "And to the angel of the church in Smyrna..." (Revelation 2:8), "And to the angel of the church in Pergamos..." (Revelation 2:12), "And to the angel of the church in Thyatira..." (Revelation 2:18), "And to the angel of the church in Sardis..." (Revelation 3:1), "And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia..." (Revelation 3:7), "And to the angel of the church of the Laodiceans..." (Revelation 3:14).
So the message to Philadelphia is primarily to Mr. Armstrong himself, and secondarily to those of a Philadelphia spirit and attitude both in his day and today. It is to Mr. Armstrong that Christ says, I have set before you an open door.
Now the "when". When does Christ say this to Mr. Armstrong?
It must have been in 1934, because Christ says, see, I have set before you an open door. 1934 was when Christ set an open door before Mr. Armstrong.
Of course, the message and the encouragement and admonitions in the message continued all during Mr. Armstrong's life and even after his death, even to today and the future for those who are Philadelphians in God's sight.
But it started in 1934.
So the "who" is Mr. Armstrong, and the "when" is 1934.
So now let's answer the "what". What are we to hold fast to? What do we have that we are to hold fast to?
Whatever it is, it must be something Mr. Armstrong had in 1934. Christ said to Mr. Armstrong in 1934, hold fast to what you have.
Remember, the choices are, a way of life or a list of doctrines.
The answer is obvious. Mr. Armstrong did not have a complete list of all the doctrines he was to teach later. Much of the truth in Mystery of the Ages was not known by Mr. Armstrong in 1934. But he had the open door and the command to hold fast to what he had.
So what did he have at that time?
He did hold fast to that way of life, that way of believing the Bible more than man or religious tradition. And it was that way of life that produced a list of doctrines and all the truth in Mystery of the Ages over time.
Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong practiced that way of life from before conversion. Christ told Mr. Armstrong in 1934 to hold fast to that way, and he told him through the message to Philadelphia in Revelation.
And Mr. Armstrong did hold fast, and we need to do the same if we are to be Philadelphians. We must hold fast to that way of life of putting the Bible first and being willing to learn what the Word of God wants to teach us, even when it means changing our traditions.
Christ had harsh words for the Pharisees who put their traditions above God and His word (Matthew 15:1-9, Mark 7:5-13).
Was Mr. Armstrong the Elijah to Restore All Things?
There is one possible justification for holding fast to a list of Mr. Armstrong's doctrines. That is the idea that Mr. Armstrong was the Elijah to come and restore all things. The logic here is that, since he restored all things before he died, his teachings must all be correct.
I agree that Mr. Armstrong was no doubt the Elijah to come and restore all things.
But there are two ways he could do it. Which way God used him to do it is important.
He could do it by restoring every truth and doctrine personally while he was alive. Or he could do it by doing much of it himself but also delegating the way of life of restoring doctrine to others who would come after him. In other words, Mr. Armstrong set something in motion that continues, or should continue, today.
He taught us that way of life by his example, as illustrated in his life, his work, and in his autobiography. He taught us to let the Bible interpret the Bible and let clear passages interpret unclear ones. He taught us by his radio message, don't believe me, don't believe any man, believe your Bible, believe God. He taught us by showing us how to prove that the Bible is the word of God by fulfilled prophecy.
He taught us the meaning of faith, that faith is believing what God says.
So which is it? Did Mr. Armstrong fulfill his Elijah role by personally restoring all doctrine himself, or did he do it by starting a process of learning new knowledge from the Bible which continues, or should continue, today?
Just like anything else, just as in understanding what Christ meant for us to hold fast to, we must look to the Bible for the answer.
Is there anything in the Bible that will tell us if Mr. Armstrong's role of restoring lost truth was completed by him personally or should continue today?
Yes. We can find the answer by studying the life and work of the first Elijah. He was a type of Mr. Armstrong, right? God, who knows all things and knew from ancient times what answers we would need today has provided the answer we need.
God gave Elijah a job to do. That can be likened to the job of restoring lost doctrine that God gave to Mr. Armstrong. Did Elijah personally complete all aspects of the job God gave him before he was taken out of the way? Or did he delegate some of it to Elisha who followed him after Elijah was gone?
God gave Elijah several things to do, but one of them was to anoint Jehu king of Israel. "Then the LORD said to him: 'Go, return on your way to the Wilderness of Damascus; and when you arrive, anoint Hazael as king over Syria. Also you shall anoint Jehu the son of Nimshi as king over Israel. And Elisha the son of Shaphat of Abel Meholah you shall anoint as prophet in your place" (1 Kings 19:15-16).
Later, Elijah was taken up into the atmosphere and Elisha received his office in his place. "And so it was, when they had crossed over, that Elijah said to Elisha, 'Ask! What may I do for you, before I am taken away from you?' Elisha said, 'Please let a double portion of your spirit be upon me.' So he said, 'You have asked a hard thing. Nevertheless, if you see me when I am taken from you, it shall be so for you; but if not, it shall not be so.' Then it happened, as they continued on and talked, that suddenly a chariot of fire appeared with horses of fire, and separated the two of them; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven. And Elisha saw it, and he cried out, 'My father, my father, the chariot of Israel and its horsemen!' So he saw him no more. And he took hold of his own clothes and tore them into two pieces" (2 Kings 2:9-12).
Had Elijah personally anointed Jehu king of Israel as God commanded him? No. It was Elisha who did that after Elijah was gone. Elijah must have delegated that part of his commission to Elisha. He didn't do it himself personally.
Elijah did the job, but he did it by delegation.
"And Elisha the prophet called one of the sons of the prophets, and said to him, 'Get yourself ready, take this flask of oil in your hand, and go to Ramoth Gilead. Now when you arrive at that place, look there for Jehu the son of Jehoshaphat, the son of Nimshi, and go in and make him rise up from among his associates, and take him to an inner room. Then take the flask of oil, and pour it on his head, and say, "Thus says the LORD: 'I have anointed you king over Israel' ". Then open the door and flee, and do not delay' " (2 Kings 9:1-4). The young man went as he was told and met Jehu in an inner room. "Then he arose and went into the house. And he poured the oil on his head, and said to him, 'Thus says the LORD God of Israel: "I have anointed you king over the people of the LORD, over Israel" ' " (2 Kings 9:6).
Actually, the job of anointing Jehu was delegated twice, once from Elijah to Elisha, and again by Elisha to an unnamed son of the prophets.
These passages about Elijah and Elisha were inspired by God. God did not have to give us all these details, but He knew this could answer our question today. I don't think you will find any other passage in the Bible about any other prophet where the prophet is given a commission that is fulfilled indirectly after he was gone. But wait. This just came to me. Ezekiel could be another example. He was commissioned to get a warning to Israel, but he could not deliver it personally. But he wrote the message in a book, and we read his book today and deliver that message.
Mr. Armstrong did not complete his job of restoring doctrine personally. He started the process, and we are to continue. Likewise, he did not finish preaching the gospel personally to all Israel, which needs the warning, but we are to continue that today. He did some of it and the rest passes to us. He started the process and showed us how to do it. We must finish what Mr. Armstrong started just as Elisha finished the job that Elijah started and put in motion.
The subject comes up, what about Mr. Armstrong's role in turning the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to their fathers (Malachi 4:5-6)?
Did Mr. Armstrong do that? Yes. He set up summer camps and put a focus on the youth.
Do we not do that today? Of course. We focus on the youth as Mr. Armstrong taught us to do and as he practiced and set the example. We continue his work of turning the hearts of the fathers and children to each other.
Some see that. They see that we should focus on youth and have programs for them to continue to fulfill Mr. Armstrong's role in this. We continue what Mr. Armstrong started. Mr. Armstrong is said to have done it because he started it and taught it. In effect, he delegated it to the Church of God. He started the ball rolling, so the entire work is attributed to him.
Some see this in regards to the preaching of the gospel and the Ezekiel warning. It was Mr. Armstrong's role and mission and we must continue it.
So why can't these same people see that we must continue the process of learning new things that Christ wants to teach us and thereby continue Mr. Armstrong's role as the Elijah to come to restore all things? He did it in person when he was alive, and today he does it through those of us willing to put Christ and the Bible first.
We continue the work Mr. Armstrong started of turning the hearts of the fathers and children to each other with youth camps and other activities. We continue the work Mr. Armstrong started of preaching the gospel to the world. So why are we not continuing his work of restoring lost knowledge?
If we say regarding doctrine, Mr. Armstrong did it all so there is nothing for us to do, why don't we say that about the youth programs or preaching the gospel? There is inconsistency here. If I want to be harsh, I could call it hypocrisy. But only God can judge people's hearts and intents and character. I can only point out the inconsistency and the danger of hypocrisy, as a warning and not an accusation.
Yes, I believe Mr. Armstrong was the Elijah to come to restore all things. But if we believe the Bible, we should be able to see that we should continue the process of restoring all things as Christ, the Word of God in person, teaches us through the Bible, the word of God in print, new doctrinal knowledge we did not have before.
Is This Post Causing Division?
Some will use the ideal of unity and the principle of not causing division to refute this whole post, no doubt. But it is ironic when some who cry for unity have they themselves separated from a fellowship for reason of conscience.
We should strive for unity with God and the Bible, and to the degree we achieve unity that way, we will begin to have real unity with others in the Church of God.
The world can have unity against God. The Pharisees had a kind of unity against Christ. He condemned them for their hypocrisy. Even Pilate and Herod became friends in the matter of the crucifixion of Christ, but they were enemies before (Luke 23:6-12).
Read Mr. Armstrong's autobiography and see how the Church of God Seventh Day ministers opposed him from the beginning.
Of course Christ wants unity among brethren, but He wants unity with God first. And He didn't come to bring peace.
"Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword. For I have come to 'set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law'; and 'a man's enemies will be those of his own household' " (Matthew 10:34-36).
Satan is the accuser of the brethren (Revelation 12:10). But God corrects, sometimes harshly.
Notice the strong language Christ used against the scribes and Pharisees.
"But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you shut up the kingdom of heaven against men; for you neither go in yourselves, nor do you allow those who are entering to go in. Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you devour widows' houses, and for a pretense make long prayers. Therefore you will receive greater condemnation.
"Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you travel land and sea to win one proselyte, and when he is won, you make him twice as much a son of hell as yourselves.
"Woe to you, blind guides, who say, 'Whoever swears by the temple, it is nothing; but whoever swears by the gold of the temple, he is obliged to perform it.' Fools and blind! For which is greater, the gold or the temple that sanctifies the gold? And, 'Whoever swears by the altar, it is nothing; but whoever swears by the gift that is on it, he is obliged to perform it.' Fools and blind! For which is greater, the gift or the altar that sanctifies the gift? Therefore he who swears by the altar, swears by it and by all things on it. He who swears by the temple, swears by it and by Him who dwells in it. And he who swears by heaven, swears by the throne of God and by Him who sits on it.
"Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faith. These you ought to have done, without leaving the others undone. Blind guides, who strain out a gnat and swallow a camel!
"Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you cleanse the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of extortion and self-indulgence. Blind Pharisee, first cleanse the inside of the cup and dish, that the outside of them may be clean also. Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which indeed appear beautiful outwardly, but inside are full of dead men's bones and all uncleanness. Even so you also outwardly appear righteous to men, but inside you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness.
"Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! Because you build the tombs of the prophets and adorn the monuments of the righteous, and say, 'If we had lived in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets.' Therefore you are witnesses against yourselves that you are sons of those who murdered the prophets. Fill up, then, the measure of your fathers’ guilt. Serpents, brood of vipers! How can you escape the condemnation of hell?" (Matthew 23:13-33).
Notice, Christ asks, what is greater, the gift or the alter that sanctifies the gift? Likewise, I can ask, what is greater, the list of doctrines Mr. Armstrong found, or the way of life he practiced that produced that list of doctrines?
Paul also corrected strongly.
"I could wish that those who trouble you would even cut themselves off!" (Galatians 5:12).
And God teaches us to warn those going off track.
"Deliver those who are drawn toward death, And hold back those stumbling to the slaughter" (Proverbs 24:11).
"Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; therefore hear a word from My mouth, and give them warning from Me: When I say to the wicked, 'You shall surely die,' and you give him no warning, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life, that same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at your hand. Yet, if you warn the wicked, and he does not turn from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but you have delivered your soul. Again, when a righteous man turns from his righteousness and commits iniquity, and I lay a stumbling block before him, he shall die; because you did not give him warning, he shall die in his sin, and his righteousness which he has done shall not be remembered; but his blood I will require at your hand. Nevertheless if you warn the righteous man that the righteous should not sin, and he does not sin, he shall surely live because he took warning; also you will have delivered your soul" (Ezekiel 3:17-21).
Some people are sitting on the fence, not ready to make a decision to believe the Bible more than tradition.
But I think they will have to. I think God will require it.
Why Is This Important?
This matter of being willing to believe the Bible more than our traditions and being willing to change our traditions is vital for preaching the gospel and the Ezekiel warning.
Judge for yourself, does God bless hypocrisy? If we say to the public, don't believe us, don't believe your church, believe God, believe the Bible - don't we have to do the same thing? God either gives us an open door or we have no open door.
If we play the hypocrite with the public, asking them to learn new things from the Bible while not being willing to do the same thing ourselves, I do not think God will give us an open door. No open door, no warning the wicked. If we don't warm the wicked, their blood will be required at our hand (Ezekiel 3:17-21). Murder guilt may be upon us for those who die without a warning. We will be guilty because we could have had an open door to warn them if we practiced what we preach, but because of our hypocrisy - our unwillingness to put God and the Bible first - we failed to get the warning out. That makes it our fault - our responsibility - and God will hold us responsible.
Also, no open door, no place of safety, for the place of safety is only promised to the same group that has the open door. If our hypocrisy keeps us from an open door, it will keep us from a place of safety.
Also, if Israel is not warned before the tribulation begins so they have time to repent and escape the punishment, they will not be warned for things they did not know were wrong, like Christmas, Easter, and pagan doctrines they think are Christian. They won't see God's fairness in this when they are punished, and that will make it harder for them to trust God, to accept responsibility for ignoring the warning, and to repent during the tribulation. That will make their salvation harder. Some may lose their salvation permanently because of this. This does not glorify God's name.
In the model prayer we ask that God's name be hallowed, but do we live it? Do we glorify God's name and reputation by paying the price to get the warning message out. That price includes being willing to change doctrine - the same price those who hear our message must pay to be converted and enter the Church.
We open ourselves to spiritual deception by not believing the Bible first. God can remove us from the Church and bring in new people to replace us if we sin by disbelieving what we see in the Bible.
It is for ourselves, for those who hear our message, and for God's glory that we must do this. Everything is at stake.
Each of us must make a decision to believe God more than our traditions and to be willing to learn new knowledge from the Bible. We have to let Christ teach us.
If we say no to Christ, He may say no to us. If we reject Christ, He will reject us.
Some say that the fear of God is not real fear - it is respect and awe. But I don't see that in the Bible. I don't think the translators made a mistake. They know the words "respect" and "awe". But they use the word "fear". In the kingdom, we will have perfect love and there will be no need for fear. But now, in the flesh, we better fear. There is a time to be afraid of God, when we are tempted and have to make a decision between right and wrong.
"And I say to you, My friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear Him who, after He has killed, has power to cast into hell; yes, I say to you, fear Him!" (Luke 12:4-5).
Everyone will have to make a decision about this. Each person will reap what he sows.
Let's make the right choice.
Sunday, December 8, 2024
A Riddle about Doctrine
Here is a riddle. I will give the answer in my next post.
One person teaches something to another. I'll call them Jim and John. Jim teaches John two things, call them doctrine A and doctrine B. Both are true. John respects and trusts Jim and wants to hold fast to both doctrines. But it is impossible.
There is no contradiction between doctrine A and doctrine B. But no one can hold fast to both doctrines at the same time. By "hold fast" I mean make and maintain a commitment to believe them.
John can hold fast to doctrine A but not doctrine B. Or he can hold fast to doctrine B but not doctrine A. Or neither. But he has to make a choice between them. He cannot hold fast to both at the same time.
He has to choose between them. Yet there is no contradiction between the two doctrines. They are fully compatible with each other. Both can be true at the same time.
No one can be committed to believe both doctrine A and doctrine B even though they are compatible with each other and there is no contradiction between them.
Wednesday, November 27, 2024
We Should Give Thanks to God
Thanksgiving Day in the United States will soon be here. This is a national day of giving thanks to God for his blessings. For us in the Church of God, it is optional whether we observe the day or not. God does not command it, so we are not required to keep it. But neither does God forbid it, since it does not involve pagan customs or origins.
But if we keep it, I think it is important that we observe it in a godly manner. We should focus more on giving thanks to God than on just celebrating with family and friends and enjoying good times.
But though the observance of Thanksgiving Day is optional, the giving of thanks to God as a way of life is not. We can use Thanksgiving Day as an annual focus on giving thanks to God if we wish, and it can serve as a reminder, but we should make the giving of thanks to God all year long a way of life. In fact, God commands that we give thanks to God. That is not optional.
Some of us have hard lives. If you have trouble thinking of things to give God thanks for, see my post "Give Thanks to God", dated November 27, 2013.
One thing we can all give thanks for is God's protection from Satan and the existence of our very lives. Satan is powerful enough to quickly destroy every one of us, everyone who knows the truth, except for God's protection. Satan can only do what God allows him to do, and the fact that we are alive shows God's protection.
God commands that we give thanks.
"And he [David] appointed some of the Levites to minister before the ark of the LORD, to commemorate, to thank, and to praise the Lord God of Israel" (1 Chronicles 16:4).
"And Hezekiah appointed the divisions of the priests and the Levites according to their divisions, each man according to his service, the priests and Levites for burnt offerings and peace offerings, to serve, to give thanks, and to praise in the gates of the camp of the LORD" (2 Chronicles 31:2).
"It is good to give thanks to the LORD, And to sing praises to Your name, O Most High; To declare Your lovingkindness in the morning, And Your faithfulness every night" (Psalm 92:1-2).
"Rejoice in the LORD, you righteous, And give thanks at the remembrance of His holy name" (Psalm 97:12).
"Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, And into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name" (Psalm 100:4).
"Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever" (Psalm 107:1).
"Surely the righteous shall give thanks to Your name; The upright shall dwell in Your presence" (Psalm 140:13).
"For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened" (Romans 1:20-21).
"He who observes the day, observes it to the Lord; and he who does not observe the day, to the Lord he does not observe it. He who eats, eats to the Lord, for he gives God thanks; and he who does not eat, to the Lord he does not eat, and gives God thanks" (Romans 14:6).
"But fornication and all uncleanness or covetousness, let it not even be named among you, as is fitting for saints; neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor coarse jesting, which are not fitting, but rather giving of thanks" (Ephesians 5:3-4).
"And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting to one another in the fear of God" (Ephesians 5:18-21).
"We give thanks to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you" (Colossians 1:3).
"And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful" (Colossians 3:15).
"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you" (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).
"Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior" (1 Timothy 2:1-3).
"Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name" (Hebrews 13:15).
The observance of Thanksgiving Day is optional, but the giving of thanks to God as a way of life is not optional but is commanded by God's Word.
Let us continuously give thanks to God for all things all year long.
Wednesday, November 20, 2024
How Can Christ Teach Doctrine to a Man Who Says, I Will Not Move on Doctrine?
Someone who claims to hold to the detailed doctrines of Mr. Armstrong without any possibility of change might say, "I am not going to move on doctrine".
But what if Christ wants to teach the Church of God new things? What if Christ wants to correct errors in doctrine in the Church? What if Christ wants to reveal some additional knowledge, points of doctrine we do not currently know? How will Christ teach a man who says, "I will not move on doctrine"?
If a man says that he will not move on doctrine, isn't that the same as him saying, "I will not learn anything new"?
How can Christ teach such a man anything about doctrine? How can Christ teach someone whose mind is closed?
We know how Christ will teach the world. There is the great tribulation coming, and after that, the Day of the Lord. These trials will punish and humble both Israel and the world. These things will humble mankind (Isaiah 2:10-19). Humility is needed because the root of a closed mind is pride, pride and conceit that motivate a man to think, "I cannot be wrong, I know what I know". The trials of the great tribulation and the Day of the Lord will soften mankind up. Even then, not everyone will learn the lesson (Revelation 16:9, Revelation 16:11, Revelation 16:21), but some will begin to become ready to learn where they are wrong, to admit error, to question long-held beliefs.
But what about now in the Church of God?
Certainly, God can wake a person up with trials. But we have the Bible and are committed to believing the Bible.
How does Christ teach? How does He reveal things? For the Church of God, Christ primarily reveals things through the Bible. Mr. Armstrong taught that Christ is the word of God in person and the Bible is the word of God in print, the same word. Mr. Armstrong also taught that we communicate with God through prayer and Bible study. When we pray to God, we are talking to Him. When we study the Bible, God is talking to us.
We need to believe what God tells us in the Bible, period. We need to have unconditional faith in God's word. We need to believe what we see in the Bible whether or not it lines up with Church doctrine or the teaching of Mr. Armstrong. If the Bible says one thing and the Church or Mr. Armstrong says something else, then the Church or Mr. Armstrong is wrong and the Bible is right.
Christ can teach any of us new knowledge or corrections in doctrine through the Bible, provided we are willing to believe what God says.
Judgment is on the Church now (1 Peter 4:17). We must fear to sin against God through disbelief (Romans 11:20-23, Hebrews 3:12-19). God will hold us accountable for believing and teaching error, or for failing to believe and teach new knowledge God reveals to us in the Bible, if we don't believe what He says.
As God refused to allow the Israelites who disbelieved Him in the days of Moses to enter the promized land, so God may refuse any of us entrance into His kingdom if we do not believe what he says in His word, the Bible.
Refusal to believe what God says is a sin. Why? Lack of faith is sin. Sin is the transgression of the law (1 John 3:4). And the law requires that we believe God. The law requires faith. Why? Christ said that faith is a matter of law, in fact, it is one of the three weightier matters of the law (Matthew 23:23).
And from what God inspired Paul to write in Romans, disbelief towards God is a very serious sin. Notice what he wrote.
"Well said. Because of unbelief they were broken off, and you stand by faith. Do not be haughty, but fear. For if God did not spare the natural branches, He may not spare you either. Therefore consider the goodness and severity of God: on those who fell, severity; but toward you, goodness, if you continue in His goodness. Otherwise you also will be cut off. And they also, if they do not continue in unbelief, will be grafted in, for God is able to graft them in again" (Romans 11:20-23).
This issue can be a matter of salvation for any of us. It is that serious.
I do not want to go into the lake of fire. And I do not want any of us in the Church of God to go into the lake of fire.
Let's do what we ask others to do when we preach the gospel. Let's put the Bible first and believe what God says more than man, more than our traditions, more than our leaders and ministers, and more than Mr. Armstrong.
Mr. Armstrong did that as a way of life, and we would be wise to follow his example.
Wednesday, November 13, 2024
Should We Hold Fast to What We Know Is True?
Should we hold fast to what we know is true?
Yes, but with a qualification.
Should we hold fast to what we know? Should we hold fast to what we have proven? Should we hold fast to what the Church of God has taught for a long time?
What do you mean by "hold fast"? Does that mean you cannot defend what you know against contrary arguments? Does that mean your mind is closed to any correction from God's word, the Bible?
Let's look at these questions in a little detail.
Should we hold fast to what we know is true?
Yes, as long as we can honestly defend what we think we know against contrary arguments. We should understand why we know what we know and be able to defend what we know. And we must always realize we are fallible - we can make mistakes - and therefore what we think we know may be wrong.
In other words, we must always be willing to examine and test what we think we know against new information and reasoning, information and reasoning that may show that we made a mistake, that what we thought we knew is not, in fact, the truth.
We can make mistakes. History and experience prove that and the Bible proves that.
"For we know in part and we prophesy in part" (1 Corinthians 13:9).
We must always be able and willing to correct our errors and learn new knowledge.
"but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" (2 Peter 3:18).
"Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be still wiser; Teach a just man, and he will increase in learning" (Proverbs 9:9).
"And in vain they worship Me, Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men" (Matthew 15:9).
"But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you" (John 14:26).
"Better a poor and wise youth Than an old and foolish king who will be admonished no more" (Ecclesiastes 4:13).
Mr. Armstrong taught that it is harder to unlearn false knowledge than to learn new knowledge. It is hard to give up what we believe, even in small points, but we must be willing to do so if God's word, the Bible, requires it.
We must always have an attitude of being willing to let the Bible correct us in our beliefs, no matter how sure we are that we "know" something.
Ultimately, it is the Bible we must hold fast to, not what we are sure we "know".
Put yourself in the shoes of a Catholic, Protestant, Jew, or atheist. If you are a Catholic or Protestant, you are sure you "know" that Sunday is the Christian day of rest and worship. If you are a Jew, you are sure that Jesus is not the Messiah. If you are an atheist, you are sure that you "know" that there is no God.
Why is this important?
These are the people we are trying to reach with the gospel and the Ezekiel warning. Our message will have no effect if these people are not willing to re-examine what they think they know and be corrected and change. They cannot respond to us without being willing to give up what they think they know and submit to God's word, the Bible.
We must be the same way. The ability to make mistakes in our thinking is the same for us as for them. We are all human. The inability or unwillingness to admit error may be a sign of pride, vanity, egotism, and conceit. It may be rooted in a belief that we cannot be wrong about something, that our thinking is so good and accurate that we cannot make a mistake in something we are sure about.
We must always be willing to sacrifice our attachments to what we think we know in order to let the Bible correct us. We must acknowledge that God knows better than we do.
This is part of submitting to God and letting him rule our lives and our thoughts. It is part of loving God with all our being.
" 'For all those things My hand has made, And all those things exist,' Says the LORD. 'But on this one will I look: On him who is poor and of a contrite spirit, And who trembles at My word' " (Isaiah 66:2).
"But He answered and said, 'It is written, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God" ' " (Matthew 4:4).
We should hold fast to what we know provided we remain willing to let the Bible correct us in what we know. I might add that the facts of history and logic can correct us also. As long as what we think we know holds up to Bible scrutiny and common sense, yes, we should hold onto it. But as soon as the Bible shows that we may be wrong, we need to re-examine it and go by the Bible.
Should we hold fast to what we have proven?
We can make mistakes in what we have "proven". We may not have had all the facts or put those facts together in the right way when we have proved something.
I was raised Catholic, and I attended a Catholic high school for four years. We had religion class every school day. One of the things we were taught was five proofs that the Catholic Church is the true church. Perhaps it was some number other than five, I don't remember, and I don't remember what all those "proofs" were. My point is, they thought they had proof of what they believed and taught. Yet, now I know that those proofs were wrong. Yet, they seemed plausible at the time, at least to the people who taught them.
Many people who have false beliefs think they have proved those beliefs, and we are just as human as they. We can make mistakes.
Should we hold fast to what we have proven? Yes, provided we are always willing to listen to correction and re-examine what we have proved. If we have proved something, if it is true, if our proof is sound and accurate, we should be able to prove it again in the light of new information and reasoning. If we cannot do so, then something is wrong.
I was in Worldwide when Mr. Tkach began making changes in doctrine. I had been in the Church for several years. Before coming into the Church of God I had proved the doctrines of the Church very thoroughly.
So how did I react to the changes? Did I say, "I've already proved these things, so I know the changes must be wrong". No. I said, "If the changes are wrong, I should be able to prove once again, even in the light of new information or new arguments, what I believe, and if I cannot do that, then maybe I made a mistake - maybe I am wrong".
So I examined the arguments and new information from Mr. Tkach with an open mind, and I went to the Bible for answers. And the Bible gave me the proof I needed, and I was able to prove, again, the truth of the doctrines of the Church.
While I was doing this, I did not change my practices. While examining and researching the issues of the weekly Sabbath, and annual holy days, tithing, and clean and unclean meats with an open mind, I continued to keep the Sabbath and holy days, I continued to tithe, I continued to avoid unclean meats, etc. I resolved to continue these things which I had already proved. But I proved them a second time.
Look, I left the Catholic Church and came into the Church of God by examining all doctrinal issues with an open mind and believing what God says in the Bible. If going to the Bible for answers with an open mind was the right approach when coming into the Church, why would it not be the right approach when dealing with the changes taught by Mr. Tkach? If going to the Bible worked the first time, it should work again. So that is what I did.
Should we hold fast to what the Church of God has taught for a long time?
We should only hold fast to what we can prove in the Bible. How long the Church has taught it has nothing to do with it. The Catholic Church has taught its doctrines for centuries, but that does not make those doctrines true. The Church of God Seventh Day taught that God's annual holy days do not need to be observed, and they taught that for a long time, but that did not make it true. Yet, they were part of the true Church of God.
It is the Bible we must hold fast to.
As I think about these things, it occurs to me that there may be three categories of Church members today:
a) Those who were not raised in the Church but came in from other belief systems or other churches. They heard Mr. Armstrong or the Church say, don't believe me, don't believe us, don't believe any man or church, believe God, believe your Bible. They followed that advice, checked their Bibles, submitted to God's word, and gave up their former beliefs - the things they thought they "knew". They let the Bible correct them, and they were willing to change. They did not believe Mr. Armstrong or take his word for anything - they checked up as he said they should. Only after proving the truth in the Bible did they accept and believe it.
b) Those who were not raised in the Church but came in from other belief systems or other churches. They heard Mr. Armstrong or the Church say, don't believe me, don't believe us, don't believe any man or church, believe God, believe your Bible. But they did not do that. They believed Mr. Armstrong, even though he said they should not do that. They did not prove what is true in the Bible. They may have referenced certain scriptures, but they never really proved the truth in a thorough way. They just took Mr. Armstrong's word for it. What he said sounded good, so they just accepted it. They thought they found a shortcut and did not do the hard work of proving what is true in the Bible. They trusted their "instincts", and their instincts, their feelings, told them Mr. Armstrong was true. They also came into the Church.
c) Those who grew up in the Church. They were taught to prove what they believe in the Bible, and most of them tried and to some extent succeeded. But how have they been tested? It is easy to continue in the beliefs you were raised in. Catholics, Protestants, Jews, and Muslims do it all the time. That is how religions continue from generation to generation. And most of these other religions teach their children "proofs" or reasons or evidence for their beliefs.
I have proved the truth of what I believe twice, once coming out of the Catholic Church and into the Church of God, and later in rejecting the changes taught by Mr. Tkach. I am willing, if challenged, to do it a third and a fourth and a fifth time - to go to the Bible with an open mind and believe what God says.
I have often thought that there are advantages and disadvantages to growing up in the Church. The disadvantage is the difficulty in really proving the truth in the Bible with an open mind and knowing you have proved it. The advantage, of course, is living in and learning a right moral outlook and environment and being able to avoid the sins and consequences of sin that people who grow up in bad environments often do not avoid.
We do not always know things as much as we think we know them. We think we know things, but we can make mistakes, and some of the things we think we know are not really true. I am speaking of us in the general human sense, and it applies both in and out of the Church. There is even a saying, "to err is human".
We should hold fast to the Bible more than we hold fast to the things we think we know. We should let the Bible teach us new things and correct us when we are wrong. And that process never stops. We can never say, "I know everything perfectly now, so I don't need to be corrected or learn anything new".
"Better a poor and wise youth Than an old and foolish king who will be admonished no more" (Ecclesiastes 4:13).
Should we allow ourselves to be enticed by men with their own ideas that contradict common doctrine in the Church of God?
If "enticed" means tempted to do wrong, no. But keep in mind that thousands of radio listeners who heard Mr. Armstrong on radio and TV and read his writings could have looked at him as enticing them with his own ideas contrary to their Catholic or Protestant doctrines, doctrines long established in their churches. But they kept an open mind and checked their Bibles and believed what God said. If not for those thousands who had an open mind and who were willing to consider someone else's ideas, we would not be here.
The Jews and Gentiles in Paul's day had to learn new things, things which may have seemed very different from what they had believed. But they set the example of how to deal with it by checking the scriptures.
"Then the brethren immediately sent Paul and Silas away by night to Berea. When they arrived, they went into the synagogue of the Jews. These were more fair-minded than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so. Therefore many of them believed, and also not a few of the Greeks, prominent women as well as men" (Acts 17:10-12).
Let's make it part of our character and way of life to always look to the Bible for answers to doctrinal questions and let God teach us continually. That is what we should hold fast to.
If we do that, we can preach to the public to believe God, believe the Bible, not any man or church or tradition, and to do so without hypocrisy. Then God can give us a wide-open door for preaching the gospel and the Ezekiel warning with great power and effectiveness. Then we can get the warning out to hundreds of millions of people who need it. Then we can glorify God's name by demonstrating His fairness in warning people while they have time to repent and escape.
We will be able to do these things because we will be asking the public to do the same thing we are willing to do - put the Bible first even when it means giving up what we thought we knew.
Let's do it.
Wednesday, November 6, 2024
What Is Sound Doctrine?
At the end of this post I will comment on the election results.
We must respect our leaders - those God has put into office, under Christ, to teach us and rule us in the Church regarding matters of the Church. We should respect the man, when possible, but if that is difficult because of faults a man has (and we all have faults) we must still respect the office. We should obey those who rule over us, with the exception that we cannot obey a man if it means disobeying God. We must obey God rather than man (Hebrews 13:17, Acts 5:29).
When someone teaches us, I think we need to be able to understand what they are saying without contradiction. If their message seems to be filled with self-contradiction, if all the things they say are not consistent, we may need to ask questions. It is sometimes possible we are misunderstanding something, and this can be clarified. It may also be a warning sign that the person speaking or writing is hiding something and cannot give a consistent message.
Inconsistencies may need to be addressed.
A minister might say that we are to hold to a body of sound doctrine. That sounds good, and I agree with it. But you have to know what sound doctrine is.
There are some fellowships, more than one, that hold to the doctrines Mr. Armstrong taught at end of his life. I say, at the end of his life, because he changed doctrine during his ministry. For example, once he taught that Pentecost was on Monday. When he realized his error, he corrected it. No one counts a Monday Pentecost as a doctrine of HWA that we need to hold to. We all realize that he made changes and corrected errors during his entire ministry.
One of the reasons some feel we should hold fast to Mr. Armstrong's teachings at the end of his life is that they view him, I think correctly, as the Elijah to come to restore all things, that is, to restore lost knowledge. So they figure, he must have completed that by the end of his life, so his doctrines at the end of his life are complete and correct. I agree that Mr. Armstrong was probably the Elijah to come to restore lost knowledge, but where I differ is that I believe his work of restoring knowledge and correcting error continues after his death, as I think the Bible shows.
So though I agree Mr. Armstrong was the Elijah to come, I think his Elijah work continues today, and all the doctrine he taught at the end of his life was not necessarily complete and correct. Christ will show us, primarily through the Bible, what changes or additions still need to be made.
Some fellowships therefore say that Mr. Armstrong's teachings are the body of sound doctrine we should hold fast to.
But this is where the inconsistencies come into play, inconsistencies that should be clarified or explained, if possible. It may not be possible.
The problem is, no fellowship holds fast to everything Mr. Armstrong taught. They cherry-pick what they hold to and what they reject.
Suppose you have a fellowship that wants to hold fast to everything Mr. Armstrong taught. The leader might say, "I am not smart enough to discover new knowledge". Actually, Mr. Armstrong was not "smart enough" either, but God by His Holy Spirit guided him to discover truth in the Bible. None of us are "smart" in that sense. We need God to open our minds to His truth.
And that depends on attitude. We must have an attitude of being willing to believe what we see in God's word, the Bible, and try to obey it. We have to believe what God says. God can work with the individual who does that regardless of their intelligence. I would rather expect that a "dumb" person (dumb as far as IQ or natural intelligence is concerned) who trusts God and believes the Bible will have more spiritual knowledge than a "smart" person who doesn't follow the Bible.
So to say, I am not smart enough to discover new knowledge, is obviously true but is irrelevant. God reveals spiritual understanding and knowledge to those who have His Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 2:10-16), and being "smart" has nothing to do with it.
And from a practical point of view, for a leader, if someone submits a proposal for change, the leader should have the spiritual wisdom and discernment to check in the Bible to see if it is true. If he can't do that, how can he use the Bible to prove that Mr. Armstrong's teachings are true? He also has the option to consult with other ministers, for in a multitude of counselors there is safety. So he doesn't have to discover new knowledge for himself - God may reveal it to others who submit suggestions to him. But he has to be willing to listen. Loma Armstrong submitted to her husband the knowledge of the Sabbath before he was converted, and he eventually accepted it after research. Mr. Armstrong submitted suggestions to Church of God Seventh Day, which they rejected but without good cause.
So getting back to my example, you may have a group that wants to hold to Mr. Armstrong's teachings. But often not all of his teachings.
So the leader may start with a list of all the doctrines (doctrine just means teaching, everything that is taught by word or example, by spoken or by printed word) that Mr. Armstrong taught and held at the end of his life.
Then the leader goes through that list and throws out anything he doesn't like. For example, Mr. Armstrong taught at the end of his life that it was wrong for a woman in the Church to wear makeup. Well, if the leader doesn't like that doctrine, he can just throw it out. Mr. Armstrong taught that we do not cast lots for decisions to know God's will in the Church today because we have God's Spirit to guide us. If the leader wants to, if he thinks casting of lots is a good idea, he can discard that doctrine of Mr. Armstrong also.
Let's keep going. This will get interesting.
Mr. Armstrong taught, near the end of his life when he knew he was likely to die soon, that if he died Christ would provide a new pastor general and we better follow him if we want to be in God's kingdom, and we better stay united. He did not qualify by saying, "as he follows the Bible". I heard him say this with my own ears. Mr. Tkach became that pastor general. So Mr. Armstrong's doctrine was, follow Mr. Tkach and stay in Worldwide - stay united. Obviously we can't have that doctrine or we will all become Protestant, so throw that doctrine out.
Sometime around the late 1950's Mr. Armstrong published an article for the Church entitled, "Should You Listen to Others?", or maybe, "Should We Listen to Others?". I don't remember if he used the word "we" or "you" in the title. You can probably find it online.
I don't have the article in front of me, so I will paraphrase from memory rather than quote word-for-word.
In that article, Mr. Armstrong asks and answers the question, what should you do if you see something in the Bible that contradicts the teachings of the Church? Should you blind your eyes to it? No, he answers. We love truth and hate error. If we are wrong, we want to know. Take it to your pastor or write to headquarters. If you are wrong, we will explain it to you. If we are wrong, we will make the change for the whole Church.
That was Mr. Armstrong's doctrine: send corrections and changes to the Church and if the Church is wrong, the Church will change.
Well, a leader who is telling his group that he will not change anything Mr. Armstrong taught probably would not like that particular doctrine, so throw that one out.
Finally, Mr. Armstrong taught his radio listeners, don't believe me, don't believe any man or church, believe God, believe your Bible.
This is the most important doctrine of all, that we should not believe Mr. Armstrong, but rather we should believe what we see in our own Bibles. It is most important because, from that doctrine comes all other doctrines.
Pick any doctrine of Mr. Armstrong that is in addition to or different from the doctrines of traditional Christianity: the seventh day is the Christian Sabbath, keep the annual holy days, the plan of God as revealed in the holy days, the identity of the lost tribes of Israel, the soul is not immortal, God is not a trinity, etc.
Every one of them had its origin in the one foundational doctrine, don't believe me, believe your Bible. This is what Mr. Armstrong practiced and taught to his listeners and this is what many of his listeners did before they came into the Church.
And yet, some want to believe Mr. Armstrong when he himself told his radio listeners, who became the early members of the Philadelphia era of the Church of God, DON'T believe me. How do you resolve that contradiction?
In all fairness I have to point out that in the article I mentioned of Mr. Armstrong, he says in the article that it is different now for Church members, implying that the Church should believe Him. I think that was his inconsistency, and he may have inadvertently sown a seed of the current problem. You can read the article yourself and judge for yourself. I don't think God has two standards, one for the Church and one for the world (Exodus 12:49, Numbers 15:15-16, Numbers 15:29, Deuteronomy 25:13-16).
In any case, a leader of a group can throw that doctrine out also. Perhaps he can claim that the doctrine was only for a radio audience but not for Church of God members, if that is what Mr. Armstrong said. But why should it be different?
And it was never different for Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong. They always believed God more than any man or authority, even in the Church of God.
One might say, the rules are different for Mr. Armstrong because he was an apostle.
But he was not an apostle when he believed the Bible more than any man. He was not an apostle, not even ordained as a minister, when he submitted suggestions for change in doctrine to the Church of God Seventh Day when he was attending with them as a lay member.
And Loma Armstrong was never an apostle, yet she brought the Sabbath doctrine to her husband, Herbert Armstrong, when that doctrine was contrary to established Christian tradition of this world, the only mainstream Christian tradition she or Mr. Armstrong knew.
She believed God rather than man. Mr. Armstrong believed God rather than man. He taught that to his radio listeners, and they, those who became Philadelphians in the Church, believed God more than man.
Mr. Armstrong was not "smart enough" to discover the Sabbath - his wife brought the doctrine to him. He checked in the Bible and found out it was true.
So after all that, are we to go back to believing man more than God?
Can you see the inconsistencies of saying that we should hold fast to sound doctrine, yet define sound doctrine as following all the teachings of Mr. Armstrong, when even those who claim that pick and choose which of Mr. Armstrong's doctrines to keep and which ones to discard?
All right. What is sound doctrine?
Sound doctrine is the doctrine that is taught by God's word, the Bible. Not Mystery of the Ages. The Bible.
And to know what that doctrine is requires Bible study and a willingness to always learn, always let God correct us, always let God teach us new things. Let the Bible interpret the Bible, and let the Bible correct us.
Abraham believed God, and God accounted his faith as righteousness (Genesis 15:6, Romans 4:3, James 2:23, Galatians 3:6).
"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments. His praise endures forever" (Psalm 111:10).
There is no other way to know sound doctrine.
I am not trying to be overly harsh. Sometimes, what appears to be inconsistent is really not, once an explanation is given. But we should seek an explanation. Even in the Bible are apparent contradictions. We call them "apparent" contradictions because we know that God's word is true and cannot contradict itself. We seek explanations and usually find them sooner or later. The apparent contradictions often disappear once we see where we have misunderstood something.
Thus it is with the speaking and writing of our Church of God leaders and speakers. There may appear to be contradictions, but we can ask for and receive clarifications that help us understand.
But hiding our eyes from the matter does no good. If a pastor speaks in a sermon, he is speaking to me, the listener. But if I hear inconsistencies, then I cannot understand what is being said to me. Communication breaks down. If I am to understand what is really said, I must have an explanation. There must be dialogue.
Trying to resolve things that we fail to understand is not disrespect or rebellion. Questioning is sometimes necessary in the learning process.
A quick update on the election results.
Donald Trump has won the election. Republicans will have control of the Senate and probably the House of Representatives.
The United States is a nation in decline, but I think that decline would happen faster if Trump had lost. God is being merciful. I think we have more time.
Also, had the Democrats won there would be more chance of a national law to allow women to have abortions in all states, and the United States would be more guilty in God's sight for voting for such an outcome. The election might be viewed as a rejection of abortion, and that may give us room for more of God's mercy and a little more time.
Things can move forward to give Europe more power. President Trump and J. D. Vance seem to be more isolationist in regard to protecting Europe from Russian aggression. They appear reluctant to give the Ukraine the help it needs to win. This may provoke Europe into increasing its military strength. All this can fit into the framework of Bible prophecy.
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
Church Governance, Philadelphia, and How Much Time Is Left?
The Question of Governance
I was in Worldwide when the ministers and members who were to make up the United Church of God, most of them, left Worldwide because they did not accept the doctrinal changes Mr. Tkach was making. I did not immediately leave Worldwide at the time the changes started or when UCG formed, but I left later. But I was studying and watching and thinking about everything that was happening, and I was aware that soon I would probably have to leave if things kept going in the direction they were going.
But when I first learned that a group of ministers left Worldwide to form United Church of God, I was very curious about how they would be governed. To me, it seemed like they had a dilemma. This was not a case of a leader forming a new group and other ministers and members coming to him to build and increase the group. This was a case of a large number of ministers leaving in mass with no clear leader. Perhaps Mr. David Hulme served a leadership role more than most, but even he did not have the standing and reputation to be the clear leader over the other ministers and having authority from Christ to direct UCG with top-down governance.
So what will they do, I asked myself. Mr. Armstrong taught top-down governance in the Church. We knew no other way. And it was clear that the ministers forming UCG wanted to stay together and form one group. But there was no clear leader. At the time, it seemed to me like a problem without a solution.
Well, they organized as a democracy with the ministers voting, or "balloting" as they called it, to elect a leader of the group every certain number of years. There may have been other elected officials and layers in the organization like a council - I do not remember the details. But authority came from the voting of the ministers. That surprised me, I think, but I couldn't disagree at the time too much because I couldn't think of any alternative. Probably, many of them couldn't think of an alternative either.
But since then I have thought about it and studied governance in the Bible more than I did before.
As a result, years later, around the time of the split in UCG when COGWA formed, I added a chapter, chapter eight, to my online book, Preaching the Gospel - see blue link near the upper right corner of this blog. That chapter goes through the teaching and examples of God's governance in the Bible. It shows that Mr. Armstrong was right - God's governance is from the top down, always.
But I also thought a great deal about how the UCG ministers could have organized without voting, thus preserving the principle of top-down governance, yet before it became clear who one top leader should be.
It is God, through Christ, who must choose the leader. When God does this, He makes His choice known to the Church. But how?
Some might suggest choosing a leader by drawing lots, asking God to guide the selection, as the apostles did to choose a replacement for Judas in Acts 1:15-26.
But I remember, when Mr. Armstrong was alive, the Church of God teaching that we do not use that method today because we have the Holy Spirit. The apostles in Acts 1 did not have the Holy Spirit and the discernment the Holy Spirit could give them, so they had to cast lots at that time. But we do not continue that practice. This is what was taught in the Church.
To the best of my knowledge, Mr. Armstrong never cast lots to make a decision, but he certainly relied on Christ to guide his decisions.
I can think of reasons why some may want to cast lots. One thing that comes to mind is that king David had lots cast when he wanted an answer to a question from God, yet David had God's Spirit (1 Samuel 16:13, Psalm 51:11). When scripture says David inquired of the Lord, this is referring to the casting of lots, for that is how they inquired of God at that time (1 Samuel 23:1-5, 1 Samuel 23:9-13, 1 Chronicles 24:3-5). Also, some UCG ministers may have felt that God did not guide Mr. Armstrong's decision to appoint Mr. Tkach as his successor. They may have felt, especially in the heat of the moment, that Mr. Armstrong simply made a mistake. So they went with voting, perhaps figuring God would guide their voting by His Spirit to produce the correct results.
I do not say that the casting of lots is definitely wrong. But I am inclined to think that it is not the best way. I could be wrong. In any case, it would definitely be a new doctrine since Mr. Armstrong was alive. He never cast lots (as far as I know) and he did not cast lots to choose Mr. Tkach, perhaps one of the biggest decisions he made. Practicing the casting of lots would be a change in doctrine from what Mr. Armstrong taught and practiced, a new doctrine in the Church of God.
Actually, as I have written over the years in other posts in this blog, I do not think the appointment of Mr. Tkach was Mr. Armstrong's mistake. I think Christ appointed Mr. Tkach as Mr. Armstrong's successor and caused Mr. Armstrong to discern Christ's will in this matter. I am sure Mr. Armstrong did not understand Christ's reasons. But he made the right appointment.
No doubt Mr. Armstrong thought Christ wanted Mr. Tkach because Mr. Tkach would be faithful. But that was not Christ's reason. Christ, I am sure, appointed Mr. Tkach as pastor general after Mr. Armstrong for the opposite reason - Christ knew Mr. Tkach would not be faithful to the overall body of truth Mr. Armstrong taught, and Christ wanted to scatter the Church because we had become Laodicean. This is how Christ spit or vomited us out of His mouth, which He promised to do in Revelation 3:16. Though harsh, this scattering serves a purpose of waking us up and testing us, and this has been happening since the death of Mr. Armstrong almost forty years ago.
So with top-down governance, how does Christ make His choice for a leader known?
Please read chapter eight of Preaching the Gospel, where I go through many examples in the Bible.
There are two ways God makes His choice known: by appointment by the preceding leader or by fruits. In the Bible there is also the third way when prophets are available, as when God spoke directly to the prophets or had them case lots - see how God made his choices of kings Saul and David known. But we do not have prophets at this time in the Church today and we do not cast lots.
So the choices are: appointment from the leader as Mr. Armstrong appointed Mr. Tkach and as Dr. Meredith appointed Mr. Weston, or observe by fruits, as much of the Church saw from the fruits of Dr. Meredith after he left Worldwide, showing that God had chosen him to lead Global Church of God, and ministers and members with discernment gathered to Dr. Meredith when they saw the fruits.
One of the fruits of Dr. Meredith is that he immediately, within weeks, began a zeal-inspired effort to go on TV or radio to revive God's work of preaching the gospel. Those Philadelphian-like members who had their hearts in the work (John 4:34) saw this and gathered to Dr. Meredith rather than to the few other leaders who left Worldwide previously, but who were not focused on a message to the world, just a message to the Church to support themselves.
Dr. Meredith was the first to revive God's work of preaching the gospel and the Ezekiel warning to Israel and to the world. This did not go unnoticed by many members and ministers in the Church of God. This is how God made his choice of Dr. Meredith known - by fruits, not appointment.
So how does this apply to a succession question in the Church today or to a new group forming that must come to know God's choice for leader?
If it is by fruits, it is a process and it takes time. God blesses the one He chooses and causes him to bear good fruit (Joshua 3:7, Matthew 7:16-20, Matthew 12:33).
But what does the Church, or a new group whether large or small, do in the meantime?
What I will suggest may at first seem awkward or cumbersome. But I think it is a good path to understand God's choice for leader in the absence of an appointment from a previous leader.
"But the LORD said to Samuel, 'Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the LORD does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart' " (1 Samuel 16:7).
With a new group, there is a tendency to want to immediately choose a name, incorporate, and set up central governance, with a leader to govern the group under Christ. This is what UCG did. And they built that process into UCG so that now, when a leader dies, there is voting to find a new leader. But that tends to mask what God decides by showing of fruits. Ministers in that system are governed by the voting of men, and you can't tell who is being led by Christ in a powerful way. They have to do what they are told by men, and you can't see what they would do when they report to Christ directly - so you don't fully see their fruits. You see the results of voting, but not the results of decisions each man makes which show the fruits of that man - whether Christ is leading him and he is following Christ, or not.
So I offer this suggestion as food for thought.
Here is what United Church of God ministers could have done when they left Worldwide.
They could have built, at first, a loose "organization", based on voluntary service and cooperation rather that the authority of a ruling counsel and leader legally installed and empowered by voting.
Each ordained minister, probably including local elders since they are ministers, could do one of two things - start a small group or attach to another minister who starts a small group. Group names can be temporary, so the name of a small group is not important. Using "Church of God at" and then the name of a city or suburb would work fine, like "Church of God at Springfield" or something like that. Meetings can start in the living room or basement of the minister. If incorporation is needed, go ahead, else postpone it. Tithes and offerings can be paid to the minister whether tax deductable or not. You may be able to register the church name with a bank and have tithes paid to that name even without incorporation.
So you would have a fellowship of small groups led by pastors who are willing to form and lead a small group. Those ministers who are not willing can work for the pastor of one of those groups. So you might end up, in the case of UCG ministers, with twenty or fifty small groups.
But they will cooperate, not by force and authority, but willingly in an attitude of wanting to help fellow pastors. Cooperation between groups and their pastors will be based on love, not force and not legal authority.
They will have a network of communication, by phone, by mail, and by email.
Pastors can get advice from other pastors. "For by wise counsel you will wage your own war, And in a multitude of counselors there is safety" (Proverbs 24:6). One of the first things pastors will perhaps want advice on is, how do I incorporate? Some pastors may have some knowledge of this.
Over time, some ministers will specialize in different aspects of church administration, feeding the flock, and preaching the gospel, and will be the primary "go to" for advice and knowledge on a particular topic. They will become known to the whole collection of ministers as knowing a certain subject. They will give advice to other pastors, but not rule them.
Over time, their fruits will become known. And by their fruits, it will become known who Christ is leading and blessing. It will become known which men have the wisdom and love from God to run the whole collection of groups.
Over time, the groups will start to come together. If a pastor is bearing good fruit, other pastors will join him.
This is how Christ will make His choice and the Father's choice known. Not by voting. Not by casting of lots. By fruits.
In time you will have one group, probably incorporated as a tax-exempt church, with a good name representing the whole group, and with tax-exempt status for all donations.
This is what UCG could have done.
Yes, it is a sacrifice for the ministry. It is more complicated at first, probably harder than just voting for a leader and letting him make all the decisions. But it is more biblical in my opinion than voting.
Those are my thoughts, for what they are worth.
A couple of more points before I close this section.
Do not despise the power of a loose organization of many small groups. You may get more productivity, more energy, more imagination, creativity, and resourcefulness, from the people in those small groups who may feel the need to "step up" to fill a gap of what needs to be done, maybe at first beyond their comfort zone.
You might think that it is safer to have one big legally organized group with central authority for making decisions. In this world it is not.
Liberals in this country are trying to destroy Christianity and religion. Satan is trying to destroy the Church and the work of preaching the gospel. The courts are available to them. So is technology controlled by large corporations like Google, Youtube, Facebook, etc. Already some of our message can be "edited out" by corporations intent on promoting the liberal, anti-God agenda.
If we are organized as small groups, a lawsuit against one cannot hurt the others. But if we are one big group, we are a big target. Let one pastor make a mistake that opens the door for a lawsuit, and the whole large group can be hurt. Investments in copyrights, office equipment, vehicles, television and radio contracts, hall rental contracts, etc. can be jeopardized by an expensive lawsuit. The work can be blocked. And if lawsuits threaten the stations that carry our programs, they can simply refuse to carry our programs out of concern for their own legal and financial safety. They may require us to give the politically correct answers on questionnaires about what we teach before they will give us a contract.
The other thing to think about, for those who think nothing can function without strong central authority, even temporarily, is, how do people at a job or a group of friends go to lunch? Do you have to have a ruler in charge to tell people what restaurant to go to, what time to leave, how many cars to take and who rides with who, etc. Of course not. Five or six or more people in an office will simply talk it out and come to a consensus. This happens all the time. And we are supposed to have God's Holy Spirit and love each other as Christ loved us! So why can't we cooperate voluntarily and help each other out?
But overall, this will be a temporary period for Christ to show the leader or leaders by fruits, and then if they come together later in a large organization led by one man as Mr. Armstrong led the Church of God, that man will have proven, by fruits, that Christ has appointed him as leader.
Does God Work Through Rebellion?
During the days when Worldwide was leaving the doctrines Mr. Armstrong taught, one pastor who later went with UCG was trying to stem people from leaving for other groups that were forming. Apparently he wanted everyone to stay in Worldwide until UCG was ready to form. He said that God does not work through rebellion. I found out later that he was wrong, and I found out from the Bible.
Does God ever work through rebellion?
Surprisingly, yes, in a sense.
Did Jeroboam rebel against Solomon and Solomon's son Rehoboam?
Yes. The Bible calls his action to establish a separate northern kingdom, separate from Rehoboam and the line of David, rebellion, that is, he "rebelled" (1 Kings 11:26-27).
Was this rebellion from God? God told Jeroboam that He would give him ten tribes (1 Kings 11:31). Yes, the rebellion was from God. God even said, this is from Me (1 Kings 12:21-24).
"Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword. For I have come to 'set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law'; and 'a man's enemies will be those of his own household' " (Matthew 10:34-36).
Sometimes someone has to leave a Church of God group because of problems in that group and because of reasons of conscience. Whether a minister is fired or quits, the main thing is that a separation is necessary. And with a minister it often results in that minister starting a group or finding employment in an existing group. Sometimes that last option is not possible. So a new group starts.
An ordained pastor does not have the option, I think, to just retire from pastoring and get a regular job with a company of this world. The calling of God is irrevocable (Romans 11:29). He is a minister of Jesus Christ, ordained to that office by God, and he cannot abandon his flock and his duties. He has to serve Christ. If there are no employment options in the various fellowships, he may be forced by circumstances and conscience to form a new group to serve anyone who needs to be served by him.
A few years ago, a number of people were forced by conscience to leave a group over the issue of singing and masks. For many of them, they had to do it. Whatever is not of faith is sin (Romans 14:23, see also 1 Corinthians 8:4-13 and Romans 14:1-23).
These things happen from time to time, and God holds us responsible for our choices and for our motives that inspire those choices. And sometimes, regardless of who is right, God sees a need to create a separation, as He did with ancient Israel in the matter of Jeroboam and Rehoboam and in the Church in the matter of Paul and Barnabus (Acts 15:37-40).
We are commanded to warn the wicked and preach the gospel (Proverbs 24:11, Ezekiel 3:17-21, Matthew 28:18-20). We have to do it or we are in trouble with God. Paul said, woe to me if I do not preach the gospel (1 Corinthians 9:16). God says, if He makes us the watchman and we do not warn the wicked, He will require the blood of the wicked at our hand. In other words, murder-guilt will be upon us.
He also says, keep yourself far from a false matter (Exodus 23:7).
Christ had His harshest words for hypocrisy (Matthew 15:3-9, Matthew 23:13-36). As I have said before, we must practice what we preach. We cannot say to the public, don't believe us, don't believe any man, believe God, believe the Bible, while we say to our members, believe Mr. Armstrong, believe Mystery of the Ages, we will not change doctrine, we will not learn anything new, we will not correct any errors Mr. Armstrong made, we will not believe the Bible first - if the Bible says one thing and Mr. Armstrong said something else, we will believe Mr. Armstrong, not the Bible.
If that is what you practice, a way of life opposite to the way of life Mr. Armstrong himself practiced, forget preaching the gospel. Don't expect an open door. Christ is not mocked. And forget the place of safety. How can you be there?
Recently, a minister said that you cannot teach (in the millennium he meant) that which you do not live (in this life and age he meant). In other words, we have to live by God's way of life now if we want to be teachers of that way of life in the millennium. I agree with that. God is merciful with our problems and none of us is perfect in this life, but we have to try to live God's way of life the best we can now.
But I would expand this principle to include this: we cannot teach the world the gospel and the warning message and ask them to believe the Bible more than their religious leaders if we do not do the same.
God hates hypocrisy.
We must be willing to learn new knowledge if we tell the world to learn new knowledge. God hates unequal weights and measures (Deuteronomy 25:13-16). We must apply the same standard to ourselves as we apply to the world (Leviticus 24:22). If they have to change, we must be willing to change. We have to be willing to learn new things.
"Then He said to them, 'Therefore every scribe instructed concerning the kingdom of heaven is like a householder who brings out of his treasure things new and old' " (Matthew 13:52).
How Much Time Do We Have Left?
I want to talk about how much time we may have left, because this can have relevance to how we think about preaching the gospel. Some may think that time is so short that we will not be able to preach the gospel to all Israel.
I have noticed that we are approaching the fortieth anniversary of the death of Herbert W. Armstrong. Many of us have learned from the Church that forty is a number of trial and testing in the Bible. I have not heard or read anything about this, but I am sure I am not the only one to think about this. Probably many in the Church have wondered, whether they talk about it or not, is the Church in a forty-year period of trial and testing? And what happens after the forty years are complete?
The idea I am describing is this. Mr. Armstrong has been our teacher for many years. He taught us by word and by example. A student should be like his teacher (Luke 6:40). We should live the same way of life as Mr. Armstrong lived when he lived by what God said in the Bible. We should follow his good example.
But by the time he died in January 1986, how well have we learned? How well has the Church of God learned?
So perhaps (this is speculation, but I am probably not the only one to think about this) God has planned a period of forty years after the death of Mr. Armstrong to test the Church to see how well we learned from the instruction and example of Mr. Armstrong.
So what happens after God has tested us?
I have been hearing some people talk here and there about the tribulation beginning in maybe a year or two. Before now, the most I heard anyone say was, soon. But now some are becoming specific - maybe a year or two.
Perhaps those people are thinking of the forty years after Mr. Armstrong's death as being a period of testing to see who will go to a place of safety. At the end of the forty years, the tribulation will begin, and those who passed the test will be protected and the rest will go through the tribulation.
There is nothing wrong with that kind of speculation, provided we don't take our speculations and opinions too seriously. We all know we don't know when the end will come, but I know of nothing in the Bible that says it is wrong to estimate or have opinions about these things as long as we know that we don't really know.
So in the spirit of iron sharpens iron, I will also share my opinion.
I tend to think the idea of forty years of trial and testing after the death of Mr. Armstrong is probably right. But I don't think the testing is for determining who will go to a place of safety at the end of the forty years.
The place of safety is exactly connected with open door. They are both in the same message to Philadelphia. You don't have one without the other. And no one right now has a wide-open door for reaching the hundreds of millions of the tribes of Israel.
I think we are being tested to see who will be counted as Philadelphian, and at the end of the forty years God will begin to give Philadelphians a wide-open door for finishing the work with great power, greater than Mr. Armstrong did - a really wide open door to reach all Israel - all four hundred million or so from all the tribes including those who live among us and will go through the tribulation with us but may not be descended from Israel exactly.
This will take time. Then, maybe after a time cycle of 19 years, the work will be done, and Philadelphia will go to a place of safety, or maybe the time cycle will go right to the time of the return of Christ and will include the work of the two witnesses during the tribulation.
So I am estimating that we may have about 15 to 20 years before the end. That is "soon", but a different flavor of "soon" than only one or two years.
But there is no need for you to think, "I have plenty of time to get ready". No, you don't know. You might die today. For you, the end may come now (Matthew 24:48-51). I pointed this out in my message for Trumpets. We need to fear God.
I repeat, this is speculation. I know I can be completely wrong. I try not to take my own opinions too seriously. No one should.
But don't assume we will not have time to finish the work.
A lot has to happen before the tribulation begins, and these things will probably take time.
The Church has taught for years that a German-led Europe will attack the United States. I agree. But it will take time for Europe to become strong and the United States to become weak. I don't see how that can happen in a year or two.
Whatever our problems as a nation, we are still the most powerful nation on earth. And Europe is weak. For Europe to attack the United States, today, is nearly impossible. We could wipe Europe out of existence and they know it.
Look at history. Before Hitler came to power, Germany had been well on its way to re-arming. It was getting stronger even before Hitler came to power. He came into power I believe in January 1933, and then re-arming continued and even accelerated, as I understand it. Even so, it was almost seven years before Hitler attacked Poland at the beginning of September 1939. And Poland was only half the size of Germany, and Germany had the help of the Soviet Union to finish the job. Germany kept getting stronger after that.
To build a strong military takes time. And for the United States to become militarily weak will take time.
It will also take time for the Church of God to get the true gospel and Ezekiel warning out to all Israel.
I think the idea of forty years of testing of the Church after Mr. Armstrong is very plausible. If that motivates you and inspires you with a sense of urgency, great. It inspires me and helps motivate me to push harder to draw close to God and pass the test.
But I think the reward at the end of it will be an open door for the gospel and the Ezekiel warning. I want to be among those who will have an open door. I want to contribute.
It may be that there will be a call to go to Petra while the gospel has still not gone out to all Israel. If there is an open door to warn all Israel but more time is needed to finish going through that open door, I do not think I would be inclined to believe the word to go to Petra. Rather, I hope I will have the courage to stay in the United States and continue to support the warning work. The place of safety is fine, but getting the warning to all Israel is more important.
"He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it" (Matthew 10:39).
The Characteristics of Philadelphia
We are in the Laodicean era. That is part of why we are scattered. It is pretty obvious.
But there are and will be some Philadelphians, a relatively small number, even in the Laodicean era, to finish the work and go to a place of safety after it is done.
They may be scattered. They may be few in number. Perhaps none of the existing fellowships right now is fully or even mostly Philadelphian. Philadelphians may not be a majority in any group.
And they can increase. There is still time for some Laodiceans to repent and draw closer to God and be counted as Philadelphians. I think maybe I am in that number. I do not count myself as a Philadelphian - I have too much to overcome. But there is still time, and I am determined to draw closer to God. I am trying. Being Philadelphian for me is a goal - I am not there yet as far as I know.
But at some point Philadelphians have to come together from their present scattered condition. They will need to be gathered to do a great work. Christ will accomplish this, probably through imperfect human leaders.
It will probably be necessary to recognize Philadelphia when we see it. Not everyone will, I am sure.
So for those who are interested (if you are still reading this long post to this point, thank you for your patience), here are my thoughts about the characteristics of a Philadelphian remnant Church of God.
I will share three points. I have posted about all of these before. These are not in priority order - I don't know what the priority would be.
1. There will be top-down governance. I have already covered this and chapter eight of my book goes into more detail. Philadelphians will not choose their leader by voting. Christ will choose the leader.
2. There will be zeal for the gospel and the Ezekiel warning. I have covered this in other posts in this blog and in my book, but I will highlight some points.
All Israel, all the nations that come from the lost tribes, everyone, needs a strong warning. Some may think, God only calls a few and the rest can't repent anyway so the warning does not help them. But they need the warning even though they are not called. They will begin to repent in the tribulation, but they need a warning before the tribulation so they can accept responsibility for ignoring the warning and know that God was fair to warn them. To repent they need to trust God. They need to believe in God's fairness and righteousness. Giving the uncalled a warning now helps their repentance later.
And even though the majority of Israel is not called in this age, some may try to respond to our message the best they can, and God may spare them from the worst of the suffering (some will suffer more than others) and let them live into the millennium. Jonah was reluctant to preach to Nineveh (like the Church in our time, maybe?), but God made him do it, and Nineveh repented. The Ninevites were not called to conversion, but they repented to some extent, maybe to save their skins, but they changed their behavior and God spared them from punishment. Interestingly, God does not usually give population numbers for cities, but in Nineveh's case the number named was more than 120,000 - Revelation 7 gives the number 144,000 as 12 tribes times 12,000 from each tribe. On the basis of 12,000 per tribe, the population of Nineveh as given could represent ten tribes. See the whole book of Jonah and chapter 7 of Revelation. Coincidence?
Some may say the two witnesses will get a warning out. But they only receive power when the tribulation starts (Revelation 11:1-12). It is too late for anyone to heed a warning then to escape the tribulation, for it will already have started. The Church of God needs to get the warning out now.
Traditional Christians, Catholics and Protestants who keep Christmas and Easter, especially need a warning because no one has told them that what they are doing is wrong.
Failure to get the warning out can jeopardize the people's salvation because it can make their future repentance harder if they think God is not fair. Getting the warning out shows God's mercy and fairness and glorifies His name and reputation. For all eternity, God's creation will praise and thank Him for His righteousness, wisdom, power, and love for getting a final warning out to the people.
The Church of God is not a social club and should not be run like a social club. Summer camp, winter weekends, adventure hikes are all good, in balance, but our main zeal, time, and money should be invested in getting God's message out to the masses. If we invest more in social activities than helping Israel, that is a warning sign that we are off track.
If we fail to warn the wicked, God will require their blood at our hands (Ezekiel 3:17-21).
But to succeed, we must have an open door (1 Corinthians 16:9, 2 Corinthians 2:12, Colossians 4:2-3, Revelation 3:7-8). And if we want that open door, we must not be hypocrites preaching what we do not practice (Luke 11:44-46).
And this leads me to my final point about Philadelphians.
3. There will be a willingness to learn new knowledge from the Bible, and members will be taught to believe the Bible more than the Church. Along with this teaching, there will be teaching to not contradict the leadership and ministry in conversation with other members. These two things must go together.
If you have the first but not the second, you have chaos. You have division with everyone promoting their own ideas. But if you have the second without the first, you have idolatry towards the Church, towards Mr. Armstrong, or towards the current leadership and the ministry, giving them the faith that belongs only to God. And you have hypocrisy and no open door.
I have posted about this so much, no doubt some readers are getting tired of it. But no one has shown me wrong by the scriptures. And it is important, because without these two doctrines we fail to deliver the warning and the blood of the people can be required at our hand. These two doctrines are two parts of point three. Call them point 3A and point 3B. To repeat, point 3A: Be willing to learn new knowledge from the Bible and teach the brethren to believe the Bible more than the Church, and point 3B: Teach the members to not contradict the ministry in conversation with other Church members.
There are two ways to avoid division. You can teach the brethren to believe Mr. Armstrong's interpretation of the Bible, the Church's traditions, and the ministry's interpretation of the Bible. Or, you can teach the brethren to let the Bible interpret the Bible and believe the Bible first, more than the Church, and also teach them not to spread their ideas and contradict the ministry. I think the second way qualifies Philadelphia for an open door to finish the work and go to a place of safety.
We have to be willing to put the Bible first over the teachings of the Church if we are to preach the Ezekiel warning and avoid God's judgment for failing to warn the wicked. Unless we do, we cannot say to the public, without being hypocrites, "Don't believe us, don't believe any man, believe God, believe your Bible".
I don't think Christ will give a wide-open door to hypocrites. And without the open door there is no place of safety, for both are promised in the same message.
We need to deliver the true gospel and Ezekiel warning messages to all Israel before the tribulation begins, or we may bring blood guilt upon ourselves.
To preach an effective message to the public, we cannot say, don't believe your ministers, believe our ministers. We have to say, don't believe us or any man, believe God, believe the Bible. That is the only way our message will be credible.
To be effective, we need Christ to give us a wide-open door for preaching the gospel and the Ezekiel warning.
We also need the wide-open door, and go through it, to qualify to go to a place of safety.
We cannot expect Christ to give the open door to hypocrites who tell the public to believe the Bible more than any man or church, but tell our members to believe Mr. Armstrong, or our Church of God traditions, or our leaders and ministers more than what they see in their own Bibles.
So to have the open door and go through it and avoid the God's judgment against those who fail to warn the wicked, and to be able to go to a place of safety, we need to teach the members to believe their Bibles more than Mr. Armstrong and the Church, and we need to be willing to change doctrine, correct errors, and learn new doctrinal knowledge from the Bible.
To avoid division while teaching the members to believe what they see in the Bible more than the Church, we must also teach the members to not contradict the Church and ministry in conversation with other members. They can discuss their differences with the ministry, but keep the matter confidential from other members and avoid discussing it with them.
These are the characteristics I think will be present in a fellowship that is Philadelphian in character. Those who have these characteristics will be the ones to finish the work with power and go to a place of safety.
This is my opinion, but it is based on scripture. Other posts I have published in the past go into more detail, and I will continue to post about these things in the future.
We are each and all of us being tested. Let's pass the test.