Friday, October 12, 2018

New Supreme Court Justice - What It Can Mean for the Church and God's Work

Brett Kavanaugh has been confirmed as new justice of the Supreme Court. He is a conservative. For the first time in decades, conservatives are a majority on the Supreme Court, outnumbering liberals five to four.

Liberals in the United States have been advancing their liberal agenda and values for decades, with some success. That agenda has a number of characteristics. It is anti-God and anti-Christianity. It is pro-abortion. It is pro-homosexuality. And it is against freedom of speech and freedom of religion when such expression goes against liberal values.

All these things can affect the Church and the work of preaching the gospel.

Liberals would like to ban public messages that criticize homosexuality, and that can include the teaching of the Bible. They characterize Bible teaching as "hate speech" and try to build a culture and legal environment that will not tolerate God's teaching on the subject.

So far, the liberal effort has not advanced to the point where our ability to preach the gospel in the United States is seriously hindered. But that is the direction it has been heading.

But a conservative Supreme Court should help to slow down the liberal agenda that threatens the preaching of the gospel.

The liberals will not give up. But for the time being, they can no longer depend on the highest court to back them up.

This suggests that the Church will still have a number of years left to finish God's work of preaching the gospel and delivering the Ezekiel warning of the tribulation to come. The door is still open and is likely to remain open for a while.

But we do not have an unlimited number of years. New elections and new Supreme Court vacancies can change things again.

There is another possible effect of this new, conservative Supreme Court.

Will Roe vs. Wade be reversed?

It is possible.

And if that happens, the abortion battleground will move from the Supreme Court, over which voters have only indirect control, to the Congress and presidency, over which voters have more direct control through their votes.

In other words, the American people will become more directly responsible for the way the country goes on abortion.

Up till now, people can say, we don't want abortion but the Supreme Court forces the nation to allow it. Neither the Congress nor the states can outlaw abortion because the Supreme Court won't allow them.

But suppose that sometime in the next two years before the next presidential election Roe vs. Wade is overturned. Both Congress and the states would be able to stop abortions.


Congress would still be able to pass a law that gives women the same power to have abortions that Roe vs. Wade gave them, and federal law will override state law. Abortions would continue.

That is unlikely to happen while Donald Trump is president. He would veto any attempt by Congress to guarantee women the legal right to have abortions.

But 2020 is a presidential election year. If a liberal democrat wins the presidency and a liberal majority wins control of Congress, they could pass a federal law guaranteeing women the power to have abortions, and that law would override state laws. Abortions would continue just as they did with Roe vs. Wade.

On the other hand, a conservative president and Congress could pass a law prohibiting abortions in all states.

What this means is that abortion could be a HUGE issue in the 2020 presidential and congressional elections.

For the first time since Roe vs. Wade, the American voting public will have very direct control over the lives of millions of unborn children - control to determine whether they are murdered or not. They will elect a president and members of Congress who will stop abortions or allow them to continue.

God is teaching mankind lessons and He is preparing the great tribulation to punish the United States (and other countries) for their sins.

But for the people to understand this punishment and to learn their lessons, they need to know that they are responsible for their sins and the sins of the nation. This will be easier for them to understand if they elect a Congress and a president that allow abortions to continue.

So it may be that if the American people, at a time when abortion is a top campaign issue, choose through their elected officials to let abortions continue, that God's time will come to hold the nation directly responsible more than before. Dramatic punishments may soon begin after that, and the American people will begin to understand that these punishments are connected with their decision to allow abortions.

Watch for a possible reversal of Roe vs. Wade in the next couple of years. Then watch which way the nation chooses in the election of a president and members of Congress. This may give us a clue as to when God's punishments on the United States will increase.

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