Friday, September 27, 2024

Trumpets 2024 - We Don't Know When Our Master Comes

The fall holy days are about to begin, beginning with the Day of Trumpets.  Trumpets is an annual holy day and feast day.  We are to observe it as a day of rest and assembly, like the weekly Sabbath, but meals can be prepared.  Trumpets is commanded in Leviticus 23:24-25, but its meaning is made clear in the New Testament (Revelation 8:1-13, 9:1-21, 11:15-19, 19:11-21, 1 Corinthians 15:50-57).

The sound of a trumpet can represent war (Joshua 6:1-5, 15-21, Ezekiel 33:1-6).  In Revelation, there are seven soundings of a trumpet described.  At the last trumpet, Christ returns and the saints are resurrected.  Those of us alive at the time, if we are being led by God's Holy Spirit, are changed from mortal to immortal, and we rise to meet Christ in the air along with the resurrected saints.  

Christ warns us to not be complacent about our salvation thinking, "my Lord delays His coming", thinking we have a long time yet (Matthew 24:42-51).  We don't know the day Christ comes.  He can come to us at any time.  That may or may not apply to Christ's literal coming to this earth, but in a figurative sense that day can come to us personally at any time because we don't know the day of our death.  When we die, Christ comes in the next second of our consciousness, so for us, it is now, even if Christ does not literally come to this earth for many years yet.

So Trumpets reminds us of our reward, but is also a warning that we should always be ready.