Sunday, October 30, 2011

New Version of Preaching the Gospel

I have recently published an updated version of my book, Preaching the Gospel. I have added a new section to chapter 6 on why ballot-box governance causes division in the Church of God, and I have added a new chapter, chapter 8, on government in the Church of God.

Here is a listing of the sections in the new chapter:

Chapter 8 - Government in the Church of God           


The Heart of the Issue

Two Principles of Bible Study

Exodus 18 - Leaders in Israel under Moses

The Difference Between Voting and Polling



Israel Asks for a King
Rehoboam, Jeroboam, and Jehu

Elijah and Elisha
John the Baptist
Jesus Christ
The Twelve Apostles
Usefulness of the King James Version
The Replacement of Judas
The Appointment of Deacons
Resolving a Controversy - Acts 15
"If Two of You Agree..."
Instruction Concerning Appointments in the New Testament
Organization of the Church and Limitations on the Authority of the Ministry
Arguments and Answers
Other Problems with Using Balloting to Govern the Church of God
Clarify Your Thinking!
Root of the Church's Problem - Lack of Faith


MTCOGSM said...

Hello author,

I have read this added chapter—even though I do not agree with everything, (hope you do not mind the comments--and that could just be because of the way some of these things are worded) I think you have given a good overall view. Just an example of disagreement are things stated like this;

“Ballot-box governance is taking to oneself the prerogative of joining with others to make a decision that will be binding on those who may disagree. In other words, it is the use of legal force by the majority to impose its will on the minority.”

I find disagreement with this in two areas; (1) if , as you have well stated, this balloting/voting does not seem to be of God—then it is not just a “legal” decision as in corporate business—it is also disobedient deception to their followers and a distortion of the way of God found in the Bible. The second is in this last sentence; it is flip flopped in my opinion because the minority in number (Ministers—in certain organizations) that are forcing the majority in number (members-in those same org.) by deception to accept something not really of God. You have also made this clear in this; “The very concept of an organization governed through balloting is a concept learned from the world. It is not in the Bible.”—and that is exactly right when a couple of organizations with thousands of members come to mind. They have used a highly recommended worldly book for running corporate business (their own admission)—to guide them in rules of associations, etc—and the newly organized group has followed suite in several areas and principle.
Another point is; “Should God chose who the top leaders in His Church will be, or should the ministers choose the leaders?” No one but you really knows how you meant this—so it could be misleading to most. Here is why: HWA always taught that men were put in positions of leadership thru ordination by the “hand of man”. (He himself was) Faith has to be exercised that God does the choosing—but thru the ministry—but that ministry has to be on track with truth and seen to be by their fruits. It is a well known fact that even Paul, though chosen by God/Christ for the job, (as you point out) was not made an apostle and sent out until trained some in the ministry under Barnabas, then ordained by other men. However, a prophet can be discerned by his fruits without an open ordination—according to what Scripture reveals thru Paul for the COG. (another myth some have today is that one has to be in higher authority to ordain those below—which is not totally supported by Scripture—again Barnabas and Paul are examples.)
All of this being said, I personally think your overall view is correct and hope more will read this and think about it in relation to what the Scriptures reveal—instead of just the ideas of men.
The Editor said...

Thank you for the feedback, Editor. I knew when I published this new chapter that there would probably be a few loose ends to tie up and small corrections to be made in the way I worded things. I will study your comments in detail and try to make improvements in the next revision of my book, which I hope to have ready by around April next year. Thanks again.